The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) now requires dentists who are providers of Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetic and Orthotic Suppliers (DMEPOS) to have a surety bond. The bond is required of those who bill Medicare for equipment they sell. The rule’s goal is to bring dental sleep medicine practitioners into compliance with the Medicare DMEPOS bond requirement pursuant to 43 CRF §424,57(c) to prevent fraudulent activity within the industry.
Section 4312(b) requires that a surety bond be in the amount of not be less than $50,000. Most suppliers are required to obtain a $50,000 surety bond. This $50,000 surety bond allows a dentist to maintain accreditation as a DMEPOS Supplier, as well as Medicare billing privileges.
If you would like more information on DMEPOS bonds or need assistance placing this bond for your client, contact Goldleaf Surety Services. We can assist you with this bond need as well as all your other bond needs.