Relationship. It’s a word used in many facets of our lives. We have relationships with friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, customers. The list is endless. ( defines relationship as a state involving mutual dealings between people or parties or countries. While the Oxford Dictionary ( defines relationship as the way in which two or more people or groups regard and behave towards each other.
No matter how you define relationship, there are three important factors that are the cornerstone of any good relationship – trust, communication and loyalty. Goldleaf Surety puts a lot of emphasis on building relationships through open communication, trust and loyalty with our agents, our contractors and our sureties. By forming lasting relationships based on these factors, Goldleaf Surety is able to obtain and maintain the bonding support needed by our clients.
One way we try to build relationships is through onsite visits to both our contractors’ offices and their ongoing projects. And often these visits are made in conjunction with the surety underwriter. One such recent visit was coordinated by Goldleaf Account Specialist Amy Nordaune to visit a project site in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Goldleaf’s client, Hydro Consulting & Maintenance Services (HCMS) is located in York, PA. They were awarded a contract for a Turbine Rebuild Project with the City of St. Cloud. So, while they were here in Minnesota working, Amy together with Dalia Dannenberg and Rosemary Heitmann from CapSpecialty were able to meet with HCMS’s Eastern Operations Manager David Trought for an onsite tour of the project.
Through visits as well as the many other services we offer our clients, we are able to establish and maintain lasting relationships with our customers and our sureties.
Goldleaf Surety encourages you to team up with us to build a lasting relationship.