Goldleaf is a national, surety-only company. We do not retail any insurance – we deal only in surety bonds. Therefore, we have an entire team dedicated to assisting with bond needs as they arise. This is one of the reasons that many agents and direct customers team up with Goldleaf for their bonding needs. To showcase just how our team works together to get bonds out the door quickly, efficiently, and confidently, we have provided a recent success story below –
Our Vice President, Rita Jorgenson, received a call midafternoon from an agent that was panicked about obtaining a bid bond for their client. This agent had previously set their client up with a surety. Unfortunately, this bond request was declined due to the project being slightly over their single job limit. This project was set to bid the following day, and they needed the bid bond before noon. While our team knew we had to work efficiently, we felt confident in our ability to turn around this bond request in the time required if the company met the underwriting criteria. The first step was Rita getting them our application and the list of information we would need regarding the project they were going to bid on. The agent was able to get us the completed application and the additional project details by 4:00 that day. This request then moved over to our Underwriting Assistant, Katie Sommer Godfrey. Katie worked on reviewing the application, going through the bid documents, and was able to get this submitted to the market that we felt would be the best fit for the company, not only for their immediate bond need, but to meet their long-term goals as well. By 9:30 the following morning, we had approval for a larger bond program along with the approval for this specific bid bond request. Finally, this moved over to our Document Production Manager, Cara Olson, to get the bid bond entered and issued. The agent received a copy of the bid bond by 10:00 that morning.
As you can see from the success story above, our team works together to ensure we are meeting our client’s bond needs. For example, while Rita and Katie handled the initial request, review, and marketing efforts, Cara was able to work on issuing bonds for all the other underwriting staff. Then as Cara worked on the bond issuance for this request, Katie and Rita can continue to work on their review of new accounts, marketing bond submissions, and providing counsel to clients that have questions regarding their bond requests/programs.
We truly are a well-oiled machine that keeps the bond process moving to meet immediate and long-term bond goals. Give us a call today to learn more about how we can assist you.