Today, we want to highlight two of the unsung heroes at Goldleaf. Cara Olson and Leanne Duis work in Document Production at Goldleaf. These two handle a little bit of everything, which truly helps all operations continue to move forward on a daily basis. They are responsible for preparing all of the bonds that go out the door. They handle all of the special bond forms, which even entails breaking out a typewriter to complete the forms properly. Furthermore, they handle shipping and tracking bonds, sending out project status reports, notarizing all bonds, reporting to sureties, and keeping track of bid results. The list goes on and on… Our Vice President, Brenda Risa, explained their importance by stating, “they are the oil to our wheels. They keep everything moving forward. We are so grateful for them!”.
Thank you, Leanne and Cara, for the amazing, and often times unseen, work you do at Goldleaf!