Goldleaf Surety’s Commercial Bond Manager Ronae Rose retired March 31st after 12 years with Goldleaf Surety.
Ronae started with Goldleaf Escrow assisting Fund Control Administrator Jan Sachariason with the fund control accounts. Ronae then moved into the position of Commercial Bond Manager handling and overseeing the commercial bond division for the past 11 years. Ronae developed the structure that is in place today for the commercial department at Goldleaf Surety.
Goldleaf Commercial Bond Specialist Kristi Enevoldsen will be handling your commercial bond needs moving forward.
Ronae’s presence and her knowledge of commercial bonds will be missed here at Goldleaf Surety. Goldleaf Surety’s management and staff want to thank Ronae for her years of service to Goldleaf Surety and our clients and to wish her well in this next phase of her life!